Stars of the Western Sydney Charity events are hosted each year throughout NSW through the Cancer Council. Each year, local personalities, business leaders and everyday hero's are teamed up with a professional dancer with the goal of raising much needs funding for this wonderful organisation.
In the style of Dancing With The Stars, local celebrities are teamed up with our staff and each given over $2,000 worth of free dance instruction in preparation for the dance-off held at the Wenty League Club.
STARS of Western Sydney October 2022
Meet your local celebrities & their dance professionals
Move With Me Dance Studio is proud to be part of the STARS program for the year of 2022. We will be assisting the Cancer Council by volunteering three of our highly trained dance instructors to partner with three local celebrities. Together, they will help raise vital funds in the fight against Cancer.
With 1 in 2 Australians diagnosed with cancer by the age of 85, the money raised from this event will go towards Cancer Council NSW and their world-class cancer research, prevention programs, advocacy, and support services to help those affected by cancer at every point in their journey.
Samantha McKenchie
I decided to step up and become a Star not only to raise money, but to also raise awareness around the incredible work Cancer Council does for people affected by cancer and for cancer research.
Last year, I lost my uncle to pancreatic cancer and in 2017 I lost my Godfather to prostate cancer. My dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2020 but has since been told he is cancer free, though is continuing regular check ups! I am doing this in memory for those we have lost, those who have come through and those still fighting.
I am beyond excited to take up this opportunity. Challenging myself and pushing myself out of my comfort zone is something I love to do, and dancing in front of (real) people, will most certainly be a challenge. I can’t wait!
Dance Professional:
Ryan Herbert
Dance Style:
STARS of Western Sydney March 2022
Meet your local celebrities & their dance professionals
Nathan & Kayla
Nathan and Kayla work together at Richardson and Wrench Real Estate and have decided to come onboard as a duo for our stars event.
Nathan: I've lived around the local area for most of my 22 years and been working and helping around the community for 2 years. I've decided to become a star as my family and many others have been personally affected by cancer. I have minimal dancing experience but I'm always prepared for a challenge. and willing to do anything to help the cause raising money and putting a smile on peoples faces is what I'm most excited for.
Kayla: I'd like to think of myself as friendly, approachable and above all genuine. I have been working with the incredible team at Richardson & Wrench Rooty Hill, Mt Druitt for the last 6 years. This is such an incredible opportunity to fundraise and support a very special cause that hits close to home. I'm so excited to get started and have some fun along the way!
Dance Professional:
Adelina Abushaeva
Dance Style:
Leanne Shelton
I have been a proud resident of the Hills District for 14 years- and have been growing my business, Write Time Marketing, in the area for the past 7 years. I live here with my husband of 13 years, Justin and our 2 daughters, Gabrielle and Indiana.
I have been dancing my whole life- starting out as a 'physie girl' when I was 2.5 years old. As a lover of dance, I have continued this fun form of exercise in my adult life- trying out different styles like tap, zumba, salsa, pole dancing, theatre jazz, burlesque and lyrical.
Every year I challenge myself to try something new and step out of my comfort zone- and I think the Stars of Western Sydney would be a great opportunity to do just that! I also haven't had much experience in 'partner dancing' in the past. My husband always tells me off for trying to lead...
However, it's not just about the dance challenge.
With my dad currently going through radiation and chemotherapy to fight cancer cells in his chest, and having lost grandparents to cancer in the past, supporting Cancer Council is something close to my heart. This will be an amazing opportunity to raise much needed funds to support the cause.
Thanks in advance for your support. xo
Dance Professional:
Matthew Murphy
Dance Style:
Cha Cha
Raising money through dance
As part of the STARS of Parramatta 2019 team we were able to raise over $96,000! We are thrilled to be back for the 2022 STARS of Western Sydney event.
We’re extremely proud of our Stars and our amazing and talented teachers who put their heart and souls into every lesson and choreographed some fantastic routines in such a short period.